Подготовка плана мероприятий VIII Фазы МГП |
Автор: anna
18.02.2011 11:12 |
В рамках подготовки плана мероприятий VIII Фазы МГП (2014-2019гг) Секретариат МГП распространил документы, необходимые для проведения консультаций с Национальными комитетами стран-членов Межправительственного Совета МГП ЮНЕСКО для формулировки основных направлений деятельности Восьмой Фазы МГП (2014 – 2019).
To: IHP National Committees and Focal Points Subject: Member State Survey and Detailed Consultation for the Formulation of the Eighth Phase of the International Hydrological Programme (IHP-VIII, 2014-2019)
Madam/Sir, Attached please find a letter from the Secretary of the International Hydrological Programme (IHP) regarding the launching of the detailed consultation with Member States for the formulation of the Eighth Phase (IHP-VIII, 2014 – 2019) of the IHP.
Along with the letter, please find attached 5 Annexes; these annexes are:
- Annex 1: Summary concept note for IHP-VIII prepared by the IHP-VIII Task Force and endorsed by the 19th session of the IHP Intergovernmental Council. Please refer to the letter for further clarification on the role of this document in primarily stimulating the discussion.
- Annex 2: This attachment includes extracts from the Final Report of the 19th session of the IHP Intergovernmental Council.
- Annex 3: Detailed survey. This document is transmitted in Microsoft Word format and it represents the detailed consultation survey.
- Annex 4: Timeline for the formulation of the strategic plan for IHP-VIII.
- Annex 5: A list of Member States by electoral regions.
IHP Secretariat UNESCO/Division of Water Sciences 1 rue Miollis, 75732 Paris Cedex 15, France Tel: +33 (0)1 45 68 40 01 Fax: +33 (0)1 45 68 58 11 Email:
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Обновлено 18.02.2011 12:52 |
Заключительный доклад 19 сессии Межправительственного совета МГП ЮНЕСКО |
Автор: anna
18.02.2011 10:12 |
Заключительный доклад 19 сессии Межправительственного совета МГП ЮНЕСКО, которая прошла в Париже 5-9 июля 2010 г., доступен на электронном ресурсе публикаций ЮНЕСКО на русском языке:
http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0018/001884/188477r.pdf . |
Обновлено 18.02.2011 10:13 |
Информация о вакансии в представительстве ЮНЕСКО в Монтевидео (Уругвай) |
Автор: anna
18.02.2011 09:37 |
Circular SC/WATER/37 (in English only)
Paris, 16 January 2011
To: IHP National Committees and Focal Points Subject: Job Vacancy: Programme Specialist, UNESCO Montevideo Office
We are pleased to inform you that the Programme Specialist post (Water Sciences), with duty station at the UNESCO Montevideo (Uruguay) Office, is open for recruitment and applications are now being accepted. Please encourage all qualified persons to apply. The job description and application instructions are attached and can also be found by following the following link:
When applying for UNESCO vacancies, please only use the on-line recruitment system at www.unesco.org/employment. Candidates without access to Internet may send a paper application by completing the official UNESCO CV form (available at Headquarters, UNESCO Offices, National Commissions in Member States, or any office of a United Nations Resident Representative) in English or French to Chief, HRM/RCR, UNESCO, 7 place de Fontenoy, 75352 Paris 07 SP, France, before the closing date (14 March 2011), quoting the post number: LA/RP/URU/SC/0003. . |
Обновлено 18.02.2011 09:44 |
UNESCO Water e-Newsletter No. 245: Water and Cities (Part 1) |
Автор: anna
18.02.2011 09:31 |
To access the newsletter, please go to: http://www.unesco.org/water/news/newsletter/245.shtml
- UNESCO publishes the Arabic edition of "Water and Peace for the People – Possible solutions to water disputes in the Middle East"
- UNESCO mourns the loss of Dr Tumaini Anderson Kimaro
- UN-Water launches the UN-Water Activity Information System (UNWAIS)
- Dialogs for Water and Climate Change (D4WCC) at COP 16 advance water and climate change agenda
- UNESCO-PCCP collaborates with Oregon State University on online certificate programme and summer graduate course
- SIWI opens up Stockholm Junior Water Prize
UNESCO Water Family
- National Water Law: Managing Global Water Resources
- International Conference on Integrated Water Resources Management - Management of Water in a Changing World: Lessons Learnt and Innovative Perspectives
Featured International Events
- University of East Anglia Short Course 2011: Water Security for Policy Makers and Practitioners
- University of East Anglia Short Course 2011: Climate Change and Development
DID YOU KNOW…? Facts and figures about water and cities (Part 1)
The UNESCO Water e-Newsletter archives (starting at issue N° 85) are available online at:
You can subscribe or unsubscribe directly from our website: http://www.unesco.org/water/
For contributions or comments, contact the editor at
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UNESCO Water e-Newsletter No. 244: Lakes |
Автор: anna
18.02.2011 09:19 |
To access the newsletter, please go to: http://www.unesco.org/water/news/newsletter/244.shtml NEWS
- World Water Day 2011 – 22 March: Water for Cities: Responding to the Urban Challenge
- Launch of the "Water for Life" Best Practices Award
- 2011 World Water Week in Stockholm - Call for Abstracts and Event Proposals
UNESCO Water Family
- Water Treatment and Purification: What Role for Renewable Energy?
Featured International Events
- International Conference on Integrated Water Management
- 6th EARSeL Workshop: Remote Sensing of Snow and Glaciers: Cryosphere, Hydrology and Climate Interactions
- Zero Flow: A PUB (Predictions in Ungauged Basins) Workshop on Intermittent Streams
- Programme Specialist – UNESCO Office Montevideo
DID YOU KNOW…? Facts and figures about lakes
--------------------------- The UNESCO Water e-Newsletter archives (starting at issue N° 85) are available online at:
You can subscribe or unsubscribe directly from our website: http://www.unesco.org/water/
For contributions or comments, contact the editor at
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Обновлено 18.02.2011 09:23 |
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