International Conference on Groundwater in Fractured Rocks_Prague, may 2012 |
Автор: anna
28.09.2011 12:08 |
International Conference on Groundwater in Fractured Rocks
Prague, Czech Republic, 21-24 May 2012
More information is on http://web.natur.cuni.cz/gwfr2012/ The GwFR2012 conference, initiated by the International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH), is a follow-up to the conference GFR2003 – International Conference on Groundwater in Fractured Rock – held in Prague in 2003, organized by Jiri Krasny et al. GwFR2012 focuses on the occurrence and properties of groundwaters in fractured rocks, nowadays the most dynamic developing field in hydrogeology. These rocks exist all over the world, but for a long time were much neglected from the viewpoint of hydrogeology. European hydrogeologists paid attention to the so-called hard rocks in developing countries of Africa where these rocks in many arid and semi-arid areas were the only source of potable water. Hydrogeological studies in temperate climatic zones (thus in most of Europe) were directed mostly at basinal structures. Only the last decade has shown that fractured rocks represent in many respects attractive hydrogeological environments, deserving attention. Other reasons for the change of attitude include: • Natural groundwater resources of hardrock areas, mainly those originating in mountains as source areas, have been proved large enough to cover water consumption and to maintain flow of water courses in adjacent piedmont zones during dry periods. • Due to global climatic change water stress, groundwater resources of hardrock areas have become the only sources of drinking water in large areas. • Regarding possibilities of groundwater abstraction, under the present-day general trend of water demand increase, adequately sited water wells or other water intake systems in hardrock areas typically can cover requirements on water supply for small communities, plants or farms and for domestic water consumption. In some areas groundwater abstraction possibilities are high enough to supply even small towns.
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Обновлено 28.09.2011 12:16 |
Второе Совещание представителей Национальных комитетов по МГП ЮНЕСКО стран СНГ |
Автор: anna
19.09.2011 08:00 |
18-19 октября 2011г. в г. Санкт-Петербурге (в Государственном гидрологическом институте) состоится Второе Совещание представителей Национальных комитетов по МГП ЮНЕСКО стран СНГ.
Целью Совещания является обсуждение текущих задач и проблем в области гидрологии, которые стоят перед странами, координация участия в МГП–VII и планирование предстоящей фазы МГП–VIII с учетом интересов и специфики стран СНГ, разработка согласованной стратегии и программы международного сотрудничества в рамках МГП ЮНЕСКО и других международных организаций. В ходе Совещания предполагается обсудить пути повышения роли Национальных комитетов МГП и эффективности их деятельности в реализации МГП–VII по проблемам, стоящим в области гидрологии и водных ресурсов.
Подробнее - Информационное письмо . |
Обновлено 11.11.2011 08:33 |
UNESCO Water e-Newsletter No. 255: The Cholistan Desert (Pakistan) |
Автор: anna
19.09.2011 07:47 |
To access the newsletter, please go to: http://www.unesco.org/water/news/newsletter/255.shtml NEWS
- UNW-DPAC organizes conference on water and the green economy in preparation for Rio+20
- UNESCO Assistant Director General for Strategic Planning makes a stop at UNESCO-IHE
- Iraq launches groundwater database to reduce uncertainty in the country’s water supply
- ICQHS prepares conference on traditional knowledge of water resources management
- Joint development of a practical sediment management training course by UNESCO ISI and SedNet
- Climate change, conflict and migration: the water context
UNESCO Water Family
- First International Environment Forum for Basin Organizations - Freshwater Governance beyond Rio +20: Meeting the Sustainability Challenge
Featured International Events
- WSSCC Global Forum on Sanitation and Hygiene
- OECD Global Forum on Environment: Making Water Reform Happen
- Transforming Landscapes – Transforming Lives: the business of sustainable water buffer management – Frank van Steenbergen, Albert Tuinhof and Lenneke Knoop : 3R Water Secretariat
- Post-doc position available in project on pro-poor sanitation innovations – UNESCO-IHE
- Facts and figures about the Cholistan Desert (Pakistan)
--------------------------- The UNESCO Water e-Newsletter archives (starting at issue N° 85) are available online at: http://www.unesco.org/water/news/newsletter/archives.shtml You can subscribe or unsubscribe directly from our website: http://www.unesco.org/new/en/natural-sciences/environment/water/ For contributions or comments, contact the editor at
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Обновлено 19.09.2011 07:47 |
UNESCO Water e-Newsletter No. 254: The impacts of water use on water systems and the environment |
Автор: anna
09.08.2011 06:18 |
To access the newsletter, please go to: http://www.unesco.org/water/news/newsletter/254.shtml
- Nominate your best practice for the 2nd edition of the 'Water for Life' UN-Water Best Practices Award!
- Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation grant awarded to UNESCO-IHE and partners
- UNESCO-IHP and IAHS organize Symposium on "Water Quality: Current Trends and Expected Climate Change Impacts"
- UNESCO Launches a Comprehensive Project to Strengthen Flood Forecasting and Management Capacity in Pakistan
- UNESCO IHP holds an International Symposium on Modular Curriculum Development for Postgraduate and Technical Education in Integrated Water Resources Management
UNESCO Water Family
- Water in the Green Economy in Practice: Towards Rio+20
- HELP International Symposium 2011 "Building Knowledge Bridges for a Sustainable Water Future"
Featured International Events
- Water and Health: Where Science Meets Policy
- International Symposium on Impacts of Climate Change on Water Resources in Arid and Semi-arid Regions
- International Water Week 2011 Amsterdam (IWW 2011 Amsterdam)
- Glossary of Glacier Mass Balance and Related Terms – Technical Document in Hydrology, N°86 / IACS Contribution N°2
- (Senior) Lecturer in Water Supply Engineering – UNESCO-IHE
- Facts and figures about the impacts of water use on water systems and the environment
The UNESCO Water e-Newsletter archives (starting at issue N° 85) are available online at: http://www.unesco.org/water/news/newsletter/archives.shtml
You can subscribe or unsubscribe directly from our website: http://www.unesco.org/new/en/natural-sciences/environment/water/
For contributions or comments, contact the editor at
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