UNESCO Water Portal Newsletter No. 239: Istanbul |
Автор: anna
22.10.2010 09:35 |
To access the newsletter, please go to: http://www.unesco.org/water/news/newsletter/239.shtml
- UNESCO Director-General visits impacted areas of Pakistan floods
- Right to water and sanitation is legally binding, affirms key UN body
- ERASMUS MUNDUS Master Course (EMCC) in Ecohydrology launched
- UNESCO Nairobi Office announces experts working group meeting: "Mainstreaming cultural diversity within Integrated Water Resources Management in Africa"
UNESCO Water Family
- HydroEco2011: 3rd International Multidisciplinary Conference on Hydrology and Ecology: Ecosystems, Groundwater and Surface Water - Pressures and Options
- IWHA 7th Biennial Conference: Talking water history on the African Veld
Featured International Events
- IHA 2011 World Congress: Advancing Sustainable Hydropower
- Second session of the Meeting of the Parties to the Protocol on Water and Health
Programme Officer, Integrated Water Resources Management – United Nations University, UN-Water Decade Programme on Capacity Development
DID YOU KNOW…? Facts and figures about Istanbul --------------------------- The UNESCO Water Portal Weekly Newsletter archives (starting at issue N° 85) are available online at: http://www.unesco.org/water/news/newsletter/
You can subscribe or unsubscribe directly from our website: http://www.unesco.org/water/
For contributions or comments, contact the editor at
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Обновлено 22.10.2010 09:38 |
Прощание с И.А. Шикломановым |
Автор: anna
12.10.2010 08:13 |
В августе 2010г. на 72-м году жизни после непродолжительной тяжёлой болезни скончался директор Государственного гидрологического института, выдающийся учёный–гидролог, заслуженный деятель науки РФ, академик РАЕН, доктор географических наук, профессор Игорь Алексеевич Шикломанов. Жизненный путь И.А. Шикломанова – яркий пример преданного служения науке. Возглавляя ГГИ более 29 лет, он внёс неоценимый вклад в развитие отечественной и мировой гидрологии. Он – автор более 220 научных трудов, в том числе 11 монографий, основоположник научной школы по оценке влияния антропогенной деятельности на водные ресурсы. И.А. Шикломанов внёс большой вклад в мировую гидрологию и международное сотрудничество по линии ВМО ЮНЕСКО, ЮНЕП, МАГН в области изучения и оценки водных ресурсов. Более 20 лет И.А.Шикломанов являлся заместителем Председателя Российского Национального комитета по Международной гидрологической программе (МГП) ЮНЕСКО, в 1992 г. был избран на пост Председателя Межправительственного Совета МГП ЮНЕСКО на период 1992-1994гг. И.А.Шикломанов - единственный из российских учёных–гидрологов был удостоен престижных международных наград – «За выдающиеся успехи в области гидрологии и международное сотрудничество»(2001г.), учреждённой ЮНЕСКО, ВМО и МАГН и «За успехи в исследованиях окружающей среды» им. профессора Тейлора (2006г.). За особо выдающиеся заслуги перед государством проф. И.А. Шикломанов был награждён орденами «Знак Почёта» (1981г.), «Дружбы Народов» (1986г.) и «За заслуги перед Отечеством» IV степени (2010г.). Будучи блестящим администратором и крупным ученым Игорь Алексеевич всегда оставался доброжелательным, отзывчивым человеком, чутким и внимательным к проблемам окружающих его людей.
Светлая ему память . |
Обновлено 11.11.2010 08:20 |
UNESCO Water Portal Newsletter No. 238: The Walawe River Basin (Sri Lanka) |
Автор: anna
12.10.2010 08:03 |
To access the newsletter, please go to: http://www.unesco.org/water/news/newsletter/238.shtml
- G-WADI announces establishment of secretariat at ICIWaRM
- UNESCO/UNU-IAS launches visiting Professorship on Water and Cultural Diversity
- Water, Climate and... Action! Enter your short film in the contest!
- UNESCO-IHP kicks-off GEF/UNEP-MAP MedPartnership component on Coastal Aquifers and Groundwater
- H2Ooooh! Water project - Pet Pals TV Series launched by UNESCO Venice Office
- 11th International Symposium on River Sedimentation held on Stellenbosch University, South Africa
- UNESCO-WCRP Workshop on metrics and methodologies of estimation of extreme climate events
Featured International Events
- COSPAR Training and Capacity Building Course on Earth Observation Understanding of the Water Cycle
- Arab Water Week: Cost recovery at water and waste utilities
- 3rd International SmallWat11 Congress: Wastewater in Small Communities. Towards the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) and the Water Framework Directive (WFD)
- XIVth IWRA World Water Congress
DID YOU KNOW...? Facts and figures about the Walawe River Basin (Sri Lanka)
The UNESCO Water Portal Weekly Newsletter archives (starting at issue N° 85) are available online at: http://www.unesco.org/water/news/newsletter/
You can subscribe or unsubscribe directly from our website: http://www.unesco.org/water/
For contributions or comments, contact the editor at
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Обновлено 12.10.2010 08:06 |
UNESCO Water Portal Newsletter No. 237: Swaziland |
Автор: anna
27.09.2010 07:06 |
To access the newsletter, please go to: http://www.unesco.org/water/news/newsletter/237.shtml
- UNESCO-IHP mourns the loss of Igor Shiklomanov
- UNESCO-IHP pays homage to James Dooge
- "Water Conflict Management" Training of Trainers from Africa: 20-24 September 2010, Perugia, Italy
- GHG Measurement Guidelines for Freshwater Reservoirs published
- Flood Forecasting and the Implications for Risk Management - workshop report available
Featured International Events
- GWSP-GCI Conference: The Global Dimensions of Change in River Basins
- International Conference on the Status and Future of the World‘s Large Rivers
- WRaH 2011: International Symposium on Weather Radar and Hydrology
DID YOU KNOW…? Facts and figures about Swaziland
The UNESCO Water Portal Weekly Newsletter archives (starting at issue N° 85) are available online at: http://www.unesco.org/water/news/newsletter/
You can subscribe or unsubscribe directly from our website: http://www.unesco.org/water/
For contributions or comments, contact the editor at
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Обновлено 27.09.2010 07:12 |
UNESCO Water Portal Newsletter No. 236: The Vuoksi River Basin (Finland and the Russian Federation) |
Автор: anna
02.08.2010 08:26 |
To access the newsletter, please go to: http://www.unesco.org/water/news/newsletter/236.shtml NEWS
- Director-General of UNESCO on the occasion of the closure of 19th session of IHP's Intergovernmental Council
- PCCP teams up with the University of Peace for colloquium on the right to water
- PCCP and UNESCO-IHE update information on two short courses on "Negotiation for Water Conflict Management"
UNESCO Water Family
- UNESCO/IHA GHG Research Project Workshop: The Interface between Field Data and Predictive Modelling
- Training Workshop on Integrated Urban Water Management
- International Training Course on Qanats
- Regional Training Workshop on Application of GIS and Remote Sensing In water Resources Management
- Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Hydraulic Engineering and River Basin Development – UNESCO-IHE
DID YOU KNOW…? Facts and figures about the Vuoksi River Basin (Finland and the Russian Federation)
The UNESCO Water Portal Weekly Newsletter archives (starting at issue N° 85) are available online at: http://www.unesco.org/water/news/newsletter/
You can subscribe or unsubscribe directly from our website: http://www.unesco.org/water/ For contributions or comments, contact the editor at
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Обновлено 02.08.2010 08:33 |
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