На 36-ой Сессии Генеральной Конференции ЮНЕСКО, которая 10 ноября завершила свою работу, Российская Федерация вновь избрана членом Межправтельственного Совета МГП ЮНЕСКО от Региональной Группы II - "Центральная и Восточная Европа".
В состав Группы II с мандатом на 4 года также вошли Азербайджан и Польша, мандат Сербии в составе Группы II сохраняется до 2013 года.
Национальный комитет РФ по МГП ЮНЕСКО получил поздравления с избранием в состав Межправительственного Совета МГП от Национальных Комитетов МГП стран-членов Межправительственного Совета и Региональных центров МГП ЮНЕСКО.
SC/WATER/335 Paris, 10 November 2011
To: IHP National Committees and Focal Points Subject: 22 new members elected to the Intergovernmental Council of the International Hydrological Programme (IHP) of UNESCO
UNESCO’s Member States attending the 36th session of the General Conference, the Organization’s highest governing body, have elected 22 new members to the 36-member Intergovernmental Council of the International Hydrological Programme (IHP).
Below is a list of elected countries, by electoral group:
- Group I: Germany, Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland
- Group II: Azerbaijan, Poland, Russian Federation
- Group III: Chile, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Uruguay
- Group IV: Australia, Mongolia, Pakistan
- Group V (a): Côte d’Ivoire, Kenya, Madagascar, Mali
- Group V (b): Kuwait, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Yemen
States are elected to the IHP Intergovernmental Council for a term of four years. The new IHP Council members join 14 others elected during the previous session of the General Conference, in 2009, and whose mandate will expire in 2013: Italy, Portugal, United States of America (Group I); Serbia (Group II); Cuba, Mexico (Group III); Islamic Republic of Iran, Japan, Malaysia, Republic of Korea (Group IV); Nigeria, Uganda (Group Va); Jordan, Morocco (Group Vb).
UNESCO-IHP extends a warm welcome to the new IHP Council members and looks forward to their invaluable contribution to the planning, definition of priorities, and supervision of the execution of IHP. Among the main tasks of the IHP Intergovernmental Council at its forthcoming 20th session, tentatively scheduled to be held beginning of June 2012 at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, will be the review and endorsement of the strategic plan of the Eighth Phase of IHP (2014-2019). More about the IHP Intergovernmental Council [http://www.unesco.org/new/en/natural-sciences/environment/water/ihp/council-and-bureau/] IHP Council composition [http://www.unesco.org/new/en/natural-sciences/environment/water/ihp/council-and-bureau/council-composition/]
IHP Secretariat UNESCO/Division of Water Sciences 1 rue Miollis, 75732 Paris Cedex 15, France Tel: +33 (0)1 45 68 40 01 Fax: +33 (0)1 45 68 58 11 Email:
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